i find 1 really cute one.
i'm sorry but i love love love that kid. she says the FUNNIEST things.
she is like a little adult- her sentences are full of actuallys and probablys- and she works really hard at getting her past tenses and present tenses right.
and -ness. she has started using 'ness' at the end of her words- it is hilarious. "mom i need warmness cause i don't like coldness.....:)
and if you ask her if she's big enough for any given activity she will be sure to tell you, "i'm two and a half and i'm big!"
she cannot for the life of her understand why she has to take naps and go to bed earlier than the big kids. because she is a big kid. she's twoandahalfandshesbig!!
and she talks and sings really loud.......i cant imagine why, can you?
i was happy to discover that i have a sunny corner on our new porch just like i did at our old house. where i sit in a tank top when it is sunny no matter what the temperature is outside. it is my therapy.
but for some reason when i'm out there everyone else wants to be out there too. even if it is boring. they will just pass the time by telling me repeatedly how bored they are, or by climbing on me, or seeing how far off the porch they can get away with going, or throwing toys off of it.....
but every now and then (mostly on the days when i'm out there while neiko is napping) they will bring some toys out and just play. and i sit in the sun with my eyes closed and listen to them.
and it is heavenly.
when we invited our friends over for dinner last saturday they had no idea they would get roped into helping dave put up our mantle :)
but it already makes the room look a little cozier- and dave ordered the stone yesterday!
and this was this morning-
tekoa begged for a bag of peanuts when she saw them at sams. cause they were "just like the ones that grandpa has."
we weren't using a cart so i told her i would buy one for her if she could carry it herself.
she said, "no problem" and hoisted it over her shoulder.
she carried it all through the store and the parking lot without any complaining.
so cute. :)
i didn't know she liked peanuts that much......
and speaking of tekoa- we have gymnastics tonight. and i'm a little apprehensive about going after last week.
there was an older mom there whom i had never seen before. she was sitting on the bleachers next to me and quietly watching my little zoo. and glaring.
yes, we are loud and chaotic. and i bring 6 kids with me because of lexi, the baby i watch.
i seem to remember wren falling off the bleachers and screaming, neiko tripping over lexi's baby car seat, tyden asking for help with his homework every 30 seconds, and me telling him that i just don't remember everything about long division....all with the baby in my arms....
....and the glares of the mom beside me.
she didn't say a word until lexi's mom came to pick her up.
then she leaned over and asked, "okay, how many of these kids are yours??"
and i said, "oh, all of them except the baby."
and she said, "that's a lot of kids."
and i smiled and said, "yeah i guess it is."
she looked at neiko then and so i said, "number 5 was kind of a surprise. he needed a home."
she looked at me then and i said, "well, we have more than enough, you know? why not share?"
then she looked away.
and a few minutes later she turned toward me again and said, "but just because you have enough to give him doesn't mean you have enough patience. it takes a lot of patience to raise that many kids."
(i must note here that i hadn't lost my patience with any of them during our time there!)
and so i looked back at her and said, "well.......i do have enough patience. it is something God asked us to do, and so i do it gladly, and He gives me the grace everyday."
that was the end of our conversation.
and that's why i'm a little nervous to go tonight.
i want to be able to say the right thing if she has any more criticism.
.......and okay.......i really want the kids to be good!!
but even if they aren't it's okay.
not everything God asks us to do will always make sense, right?
and sometimes it might even look crazy to others.
difficult, risky, heart-wrenching, convicting, chaotic, and messy would describe our last 10 months pretty accurately.
but i hold on to God's PROMISES!!!
7 for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, 9 who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began, 10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel, 11 for which I was appointed a preacher and apostle and teacher, 12 which is why I suffer as I do. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am convinced that he is able to guard until that Day what has been entrusted to me. 13 Follow the pattern of the sound words that you have heard from me, in the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.
2 Timothy 1
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